Treatment of Fighting Chickens at the Age of 7 Months Ahead of the Fight

Treatment of Fighting Chickens at the Age of 7 Months Ahead of the Fight If you like to keep fighting chickens please know in advance some ways that can be used to treat these chickens. Because to give care to the body of a fighting chicken like this is very difficult if you don't know. Therefore, please know in advance some proper care techniques for the chicken body. So that the chicken will have good quality in the arena of competition. For example when you take care of chicken fighters at the age of 7 months. Age of 7 months for chicken fighters like this is an age that must be considered. Because we have to give special care to the body called in order to have good performance. Usually most people give a name that is special care for chicken fighters. Difference in age before 7 months. We just give ordinary food and no maintenance at all. How to provide care for a fighting chicken at the age of 7 months There are several stages that you can apply at home to give care to...